In the preparation process of raising chickens, the following matters need to be noted:
1. Site selection: Choose a relatively empty, quiet, well-drained place as a breeding farm. Avoid choosing a location close to residential areas, traffic arteries or industrial areas to avoid noise, pollution and other factors affecting the growth of chickens.
2. Chicken house construction: chicken house should have good ventilation, lighting and warm conditions. The material of the chicken house should be durable, corrosion-resistant and easy to clean. The design of the chicken cage should be reasonable to ensure that the chicken only has a certain activity space to avoid crowding.
3. Feed and drinking water: Prepare high-quality feed, pay attention to the nutritional composition and taste of feed. Feed should not be too thick, so as not to affect the digestion of chickens. Ensure that drinking water is clean and sufficient to avoid contamination.
4. Breeding density: reasonable control of breeding density to avoid poor growth of chickens caused by too high density. Adjust the density according to the breed, growth stage and feeding purpose of the chickens to ensure that the chickens have only a certain amount of room to move.
5. Temperature control: According to the breed and growth stage of chickens, to ensure that the temperature in the hen house is appropriate. Chicks need higher temperatures and adults need lower temperatures. Pay attention to the distribution and breathing of the chickens, and adjust the temperature in time.
6. Disease prevention and control: vaccination against disease should be carried out before breeding, and vaccination should be carried out according to veterinary recommendations. Check the health status of chickens regularly, and isolate and treat the sick chickens in time. Keep the chicken house hygienic and clean up chicken droppings and waste regularly.
7. Environmental cleaning: Clean the environment around the chicken house regularly to avoid the breeding of bacteria and viruses. Keep the coop dry to avoid excessive moisture that can cause disease.
8. Feeding management: Regularly observe the growth of chickens, timely adjust the management measures such as feed, drinking water and light. Pay attention to chicken feeding, drinking, excretion and other behaviors, find abnormal treatment in time.
9. Record management: Establish a breeding record system to record the growth of chickens, feed intake, disease vaccination and other information in detail. The growth condition of chickens was recorded and analyzed to provide basis for breeding decision.
10. Seek professional guidance: When you encounter problems in the process of raising chickens, seek the help of professional breeders or veterinarians in time to ensure the healthy growth of chickens.
Through the above preparation measures, we can create a good growth environment for chickens and improve the success rate of breeding.

livi Machinery Company provides farmers with complete poultry breeding equipment, including chicken cage, automatic chicken drinking water system, automatic egg collection system and so on.

If you would like to raise chickens or purchase feeding equipment, you can contact us on WhatsApp: +86 17550023390 or Email:[email protected]